Aeryonna Briggs (Aery), based in Los Angeles and has worked as an apparel designer for 10 years. As a visual artist her main practice is in acrylics, pencil, and collage mediums.  Often referred to as a free-spirit  with a big personality, her artwork is seen as playful and warm. Her experience as a designer gave her a creative outlet in fabric, color, sewing, and pattern construction . As a child she always knew her calling would be in some type of  creative field as she has been drawing and designing since the third grade.  She has always had an extreme love for working with her hands and believes they are her greatest tool and gift.

 Being a self-starter with a spontaneous personality, she tends to dive in deep into whichever new project she resonates with, making sure her passion and dedication is illuminated in her art. With time she wanted to expand her self expression and tell a story  that could not only heal herself and her family, but heal her community. Her newest and most personal project yet is The Art of Taking up Space; A continued series where she shines a light on the Black  home, Black community , and healing childhood trauma. Her goal is to give people a chance to escape the gloom and trauma of the world and their past. While also giving them a safe place to connect back to their inner- child.  

She believes reconnecting with our inner-child will heal us all.